Sunday, 13 May 2018

To check whether a number is prime or not?

C++ program to find a number is prime or not?


Input = number

set counter=0;

set i=0 to i<=number

if(counter == 2)
print"number is prime";

print "number is not prime";
Approach to solve:

Input = 5;

so, it will print number is prime.

Input =4

so, it will print number is not prime.


using namespace std;
//function for prime number
int prime(int num){
 int count=0;
  return 0;
 for(int i=1; i<=num; i++){
  cout<<"Number is Prime ";
  cout<<"Number is not prime ";

int main(){
 int num1;
 cout<<"Enter any number:";
 prime (num1);  //function calling
 return 0;

Enter any number:3
Number is prime

Enter any number:88
Number is not prime


Sunday, 11 February 2018

Types of user-defined functions in C++

In this post, you will learn more about user-defined functions and how can you use user-defined functions in different ways?

Basically, functions are categorized on the basis of return value and arguments, user-defined functions can be categorized as:

  • Function with no argument and no return value
  • Function with no argument but return value
  • Function with argument but no return value
  • Function with argument and return value
Consider a situation in which you have to make a program to find the cube of a number. You can use four different methods to solve this problem:-

Program -1: No arguments passed and no return value


using namespace std;

void fun(){   /* function with no arguments and return value */
 int a,c;
 cout<<"Enter a number: ";
 cout<<"cube is = "c;

int main(){
 fun();   // function call
 return 0;
In the above program, fun() have no arguments and also no return value because function return type is void.
function calling in main() function by the name of function i.e fun().

Program - 2: No arguments passed but a return value


using namespace std;

int fun(){  /* function with return value but no arguments */
 int a,c;
 cout<<"Enter any number: ";
 return c;
int main(){
 // function call
 cout<<"cube is = "<<fun();
 return 0;
In this program, function i.e. fun() have no arguments but return a value.In main() function, we call this function and also print it in main().

Program - 3: Arguments passed but no return value


using namespace std;

 void fun(int a){ /* function with argument but no return type */
  int c;
  cout<<"cube is = "<<c;
int main(){
  fun(2); /* function calling and passing a value*/
  return 0;
Above program have an argument but no return value because the return type of function is void.
calling of function is in main() function and passing a value in fun().

Program - 4: Arguments passed and a return value


using namespace std;

int fun(int a){ /* function with argument and return value */
 int c;
 return c;

int main(){
// function call and value passing 
 cout<<"cube is = "<<fun(3); 
 return 0;
In the above program, fun() have an argument and also return value.

NOTE: C++ have the top to bottom approach that's why no function declaration.

Also, you can choose the above methods according to your need.


Wednesday, 31 January 2018

C++ functions

In this article, you will learn about the functions in C++.why and how we use functions.

What is a function in C++?

A function is a block of code that performs some operation.If we want to use a piece of code again and again in the program we wrap that piece of code in the function and use that piece of code in the program by calling it.

There are two types of functions in C++.
  • Library function or built-in function
  • User-defined function 
Library function:-

Library  function are built-in function in C++.

you can use these function by invoking function directly, you don't need to write these functions.Example sqrt() in cmath header file,strcat() in string header file.

User-defined function:-

C++ allows the programmer to define their own function.

If you want to reuse a piece of you can define that code of piece outside the main() function then you can call it in main() function and it will execute in the piece of code.


C++  program to add two integers by using user-defined function:-
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function declaration
int add(int, int);

int main()
    int num1, num2, sum;
    cout<<"Enter first number to add: ";
    cin >> num1;
    cout<<"Enter second number to add: ";
    cin >> num2;

    // Function call
    sum = add(num1, num2); //actual parameters
    cout << "Sum = " << sum;
    return 0;

// Function definition
int add(int a, int b) //formal parameters
    int add;
    add = a + b;

    // Return statement
    return add;
Enter first number to add: 56
Enter second number to add: 43
sum = 99
Function declaration:-

User-defined functions are unknown to the compiler if we define functions after the main() function, the compiler will show an error.
In C++, declaration of function Without its body to give compiler information about the user-defined function.
// Function declaration
int add(int, int);

  • No need to write arguments.
  • It is not necessary to declare function if user-defined function exists before main() function.

Function call:-

For the execution of a function, we call it inside the main() function.

    // Function call
    sum = add(num1, num2);
num1 and num2 are actual parameters.

Function definition:-

It is the piece of code or function itself.
// Function definition
int add(int a, int b) //formal parameters
    int add;
    add = a + b;

    // Return statement
    return add;
int a and int b are formal parameters.
we provide actual parameters to the function, they are copied to the formal parameters and function use these parameters for the result. 

Return statement:

A function can return a single value to the program.
return add;
In this, function returning the sum of a and b;